Please pass the coffee

Greetings from a hot and soggy Midwest. This past week brought us some severe summer storms that we were overdue in receiving. The much needed rainfall was a blessing but we also lost power for a few hours over the weekend. We have had such a busy week…I am just going to hop right into it.

First up, congratulations goes out to the boy and girl for completing their ‘real’ play production.  For the past month they have had daily rehearsals with the Lamppost Players rehearsing CS Lewis “The Horse and His Boy”. This was quite a production in that the play was 2 hours and all set changes, etc were performed by the kids. Our kids LOVED being a part of this and forged lots of new friendships. We foresee more play participation with this group in our future.

IMG_2948Next up, we had our nephew X for the whole weekend. What a wonderful time we had with him! He and the boy were just as goofy as could be and everyone had such a great time.

Weather was wonderful Saturday morning so off to the beach we went. Luckily we left at just the right time and somehow drove around the storm and missed it altogether, though were greeted to no power when we returned home.


Avert your eyes from the extreme pale flesh in background….




Fish on!

There were of course certain things our nephew requested since his brother got to do them last month….one of which was the requisite making of s’mores. He didn’t quite get the full experience as everything was soaked outside….so we nuked ’em in the ole microwave. Not ideal….but tasty and messy nonetheless.


Sunday also brought my sissy and our adorable niece. We woke up to blue sunny skies and much more tolerable temperatures, so off we went to the Madison Zoo.





Was a great day of animal watching and kiddo snuggling.

And with all this rain and sunshine…here is a quick check in with the garden.

The scarlet runner beans have officially reached the top of the obelisk and are reaching well beyond. The dragon tongue beans are just about done, though we still are coming in with a handful here and there. We thought the peas were done, but gathered a nice bowlful and snacked are way through them. I have a feeling that will be about it for the peas this season.


Tomatoes continue to grow like crazy and we have popped a few in our mouths that have ripened. Hubby and I had to stake and tie like crazy this weekend as they have grown so tall and are so heavy with fruit. We constructed what is now affectionately referred to as the “tomato bra” to provide support to those lovely ladies. More planning is needed as we have this ‘problem’ every year and need a better trellis!

IMG_2981Last year I now recall stating we needed to build a “viney” box in the back of the yard…which was forgotten of course. Now I remember why we need this…as we now refer to the 3 pumpkin/squash plants as the monster taking over the backyard. The vines extend every which way but we see lots of delicata squash developing so we hope we have a big yield this year.

IMG_2983And finally…the sunflowers have finally started to bloom. One can only actually see them when standing on the deck as they now tower over 10 feet!

IMG_3008It was just such a wonderful weekend…but seriously….pass me some more coffee….

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